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When families are struggling to access basic needs for their children, PREPARES can help to provide new baby supplies and offer emotional support and additional resources that they may need. Thanks to our community partners and generous donations from the community, Catholic Charities Walla Walla can provide support and vital resources to local families in need.

Through our connection to PREPARES parishes in Walla Walla, essential items like diapers, layettes, clothing, and pacifiers are available at the main office upon request. Catholic Charities Walla Walla, connects families with counseling services for children and adults, provides assistance for those experiencing domestic violence, and offers additional services that allow families to succeed and provide a stable and supportive environment for their children to grow.



If you have immediate needs for a child:

Call 509-525-0572 or visit us at the main office at 408 W. Poplar St.

If you are interested in counseling services for yourself or your child: please call




If you are experiencing domestic violence please call 1.800.799.7233

If you are interested in donating diapers and new baby essentials please drop them off at the main officiate located at 408 W. Poplar St.


Additional Resources and Helpful numbers:

Christian Aid Center.................................509.525.7153

Comprehensive Healthcare..............509.529.2920

DSHS Community Service Office..509.394.1000


Pantry Shelf...................................................509.526.4169

Salvation Army............................................509.529.9470

Social Security Office............................1.800.772.1213


St. Vincent de Paul...................................509.525.3903

Walla Walla Housing Authority........509.527.5452

24 Hour Crisis Line....................................509.524.2999

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