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February is American Heart Month. Heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S., claiming more lives than all cancers combined. It is important for us to take a serious look at what we can do to lower our risk for heart disease this month and throughout the year.


Have you been looking for a primary care provider? As a Premera member, you can access Kinwell Clinics that provide same/next-day appointments. They also have 0 co-pays for most primary care services.


I’m sharing some information that we recently received from Kinwell Clinic. Click on the links below to learn some important facts about blood pressure and discover some heart-healthy recipes.


I challenge us all to start with a heart-healthy activity.  If it’s too icy outside, walk indoors on a walking track or at the mall. Work toward at least 150 minutes of moderately intense physical activity each week to keep your heart healthy.  You can reach this goal by walking briskly for at least 30 minutes, five days each week.


Thank you for taking care of your heart!



Melinda Dakan, SHRM-CP

Benefits & Leave Specialist, Human Resources


The facts about blood pressure: February is American Heart

Month, first designated by President Lyndon Johnson in 19...

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Know your blood pressure numbers: What does 120 over 80

really mean? Kinwell wants to empower...

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Heart healthy recipes: Dining for lower blood pressure. The connection between diet and heart health has been...

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