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help needed.

Throughout this season of so many uncertainties, many of us have wondered what we can do to help. Catholic Charities is extremely grateful for our community’s support of the most vulnerable, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our “Shopping Angels” donated groceries and delivered them to our senior residents who waited safely in their homes, a local sewing group donated beautiful handmade masks for our clients, and volunteers waited with patience and understanding for a time when it will be safe to rejoin our programs.

Now, we are asking for your help. Senior Services needs volunteers to help seniors with yard work and rides to doctors’ appointments.

Senior Services

The Senior Services program of Catholic Charities provides essential assistance to those who are aging or disabled and wish to remain in their own home. Senior Services matches volunteers with clients who need help with anything from household tasks to rides to doctors’ offices and grocery shopping. The assistance provided by our volunteers is enough to help these seniors stay in their homes and remain independent. Volunteers and clients often form bonds of trust and friendship, transforming both lives for the better.

The COVID-19 pandemic puts the older members of our community at a high risk. More than ever, the assistance that we can provide to this population to help them remain safely in their own homes is crucial to their health and well being.

“Lawn Twin” Program

For many seniors, a concern related to staying in their own home is wondering how they will manage their yard work. Assisting our Senior Services clients with the upkeep of their yard is a great way to support them in maintaining their independence.

Catholic Charities is asking you to please consider adopting a lawn this summer and commit to caring for it through Labor Day!

Limited lawn mowers and weed whackers available, so you may need to provide the following items: Lawn mowers, weed whackers, bags, rakes, trimmers, and pruners.

Please contact the Volunteer Chore Services (VCS) office at 459-6172 or 459-6171 for more information. No more than two individuals needed in each yard.

Volunteer Drivers

Many of our seniors are now able to visit their doctors’ offices again and need a volunteer to drive them there. If you are interested in lending a hand, please contact the below offices. Shifts are typically Monday-Friday with the occasional Saturday.

Spokane/Northern Region of Eastern WA

Please contact the VCS Spokane office at

459-6172 or 459-6171.

Southern Region of Eastern WA

Please contact the Walla Walla VCS office at (509) 529-9062

We thank you for your continued support of our Eastern Washington community!

For more information on our Senior Services program, please visit our website at



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