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love is everywhere.

Every February 14th, we celebrate Valentine’s Day. Some years with a more joyful heart than others! Some of us are celebrating the holiday with that special someone, or loving friends and family. Some of us may feel bogged down by current events or still trying to beat the winter blues. We are lucky enough here at Catholic Charities to be surrounded by love. And if you look hard enough, as they say in the movies and our favorite songs, love is everywhere!

Love is the selfless way a preschooler at St. Anne’s Children & Family Center holds the hand of a new classmate so they don’t feel left out. We see their kindness that is still so fresh inside of them and wants to be shared with new friends without a second thought.

Love is the tender way a mother holds her child as they seek security at St. Margaret’s Shelter after fleeing abusive relationships. We see this same love as children are reunited with parents at Rising Strong and families work tirelessly to heal from the multigenerational scars of substance use disorder.

Love is the way a sense of community is built between the patrons at the House of Charity that protect each other from the difficulties of life on the street. Chosen family, friendships and relationships blossom in what may seem to be the direst of circumstances.

Love is the way real connections are formed at supportive housing communities like Donna Hanson Haven, Buder Haven, Pope Francis Haven and the new Jacklin Haven. Residents spending time with one another and staff establish roots in their new homes to help them feel secure after experiencing homelessness.

Love is the way seniors feel the circle of care at low-income housing communities like Cathedral Plaza, the Delaney apartments and Garden Court in Walla Walla. Sharing stories and communal meals from Welcoming Table by Food for All helps elderly residents connect after experiencing loss and isolation.

So whether we are celebrating Valentine’s Day with flowers and chocolates or in pajamas with pizza, take a moment to see the ways that love is everywhere in our community. And give thanks for all the ways that love is present in our lives!

Visit our home page to learn more about Catholic Charities programs or call our Family Services Center at (509) 358-4250.



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