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October: home to Halloween, the true beginning of fall, leaves tumbling, colors changing, Pumpkin Spice lattes... it is crisp and clearly upon us now here in Spokane, with our recent bout of wild, somewhat wicked, weather. From snowstorms, to rain, to power outages, and with leaves blowing in every possible direction…yard work maintenance starts to become a little daunting.

Chore and Senior Services- A Vital Community Function

Catholic Charities Senior Services is a vital function for many of Eastern Washington seniors who need a little extra help keeping up with our rapidly changing weather conditions, particularly when the trees start shedding leaves by the ton, and the sky begins dumping snow on our city. Other tasks like day-to-day errands, can also be a challenge for our elderly and disabled neighbors. This service program, run through Catholic Charities Senior Services, pairs volunteers with those who are aging or disabled and wish to remain in their own home, but need a little extra help with yard and housework. As an added bonus, our Chore Service volunteers often become good friends with those they are paired with because, like in a workplace, friendships blossom from spending positive, intentional time with another person.

This time of year, as the days grow colder, darker, and shorter, we need all the volunteers we can get. Including for this year’s Leaf Raking Blitz! Chores are always more fun when you do them with someone else, so let’s make a day of it!

Catholic Charities Leaf Raking Blitz

Saturday, November 2

8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

330 E Boone Ave (O’Malley Hall)

Our Leaf Raking Blitz is an opportunity for people of all ages to lend a helping hand to vulnerable seniors in our community. From 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 2, Catholic Charities Eastern Washington has organized a mass leaf raking extravaganza!! All volunteers will meet for a morning warm-up with coffee and muffins, and then depart to all corners of Spokane with assignments to clear some leaves!

Come spend the morning with us outside, in the fresh autumn air with friends, family, and neighbors, serving our community’s vulnerable senior population.



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